Why I write.
Ever since I started Airblack, one of the biggest personal discoveries has been the power of writing. So much so, we made it a core part of our company culture.
For me, writing brings immense clarity of thought in the moment. It’s like talking to your own self and cutting the BS.
This is also the reason this blog exists. It helps me put structure to my thoughts on things that interest me.
Does it bother me if people read this?
Well, not really. I have learned most things on my own off the internet and if there are people who find my learnings useful, that will be great but I do not make this the reason to write.
This is also the reason I decided to do this on my own space. These are conversations with my own self but if you are here, you are most welcome.
Why not keep a personal journal then?
That’s a fair question.
When I ran University Express, I transitioned from writing almost every day to helping hundreds of creators publish their content every week. There is a joy in pressing ‘publish’. It brings an innate sense of discipline. I don’t know why this ‘joy’ exists, but it does.
Since last year, I have over 3000 writeups on Notion and Notes on my Mac. However, the pieces that go here are on things that I truly care about. Mostly.